Metu Neter Vol 1 Introduction Part 1




We have started the first of four volumes of the Metu Neter (pictured above). We have already looked at the authors preface and this post will be a two part post where we are looking at the introduction of the first chapter.


Chapter 1: Introduction (Eye apologize for the poor quality, eye am unsure as to why it looks blurry when eye upload it into wordpress but not when eye open it in my laptop. If you would like the entire book on PDF feel free to email me a request and eye will email it to you personally)

Paragraph 1- This first paragraph states that just about every nation in the world is on a collision course with disaster. This is due to the massive collapse in its institutions (political, social, economical, religious, spiritual, etc.).

Paragraph 2- This circumstance that we are facing is due to lack of, what the Kemetians call “Knowledge of Self”. The author, Ra Un Nefer Amun, goes on to state that many scholars have thrown this phrase around without giving any explanation as to what it means, much less how to ascertain it.

Paragraph 3- In this brief paragraph Amun goes on to say that to explain “Knowledge of Self” would be natural. Subsequently it would lead to an abstruse discussion; thus making it easier to start at a familiar point for everyone.

Paragraph 4- Here Amun  describes the actions taking place when one is reading; like you all are doing right now. On one hand you are making a conscious effort to keep your attention to the words on the screen. On the other hand, without any conscious effort or awareness, you are creating a meaning out of the words you are reading. These two sets of functions occur in every aspect of our lives without us even thinking about it. For example, when you get out of your bed in the morning to go into the shower or the kitchen you do not think to yourself “First lets move the left leg and then the right leg.” You just get up and go. You do not have to tell your heart to beat or your lungs to capture air. These tasks are performed without conscious effort.

Paragraph 5- This dualization (these two functions) is the central theme of “knowledge of Self”. One part of you is concerned with the activities that you have to accomplish while the other part of you is tending to activities that occur without you putting your attention to them. The author, Amun refers to the act we are consciously performing as “willed” and the other that we are not aware or thinking about (like your stomach digesting your food during a meal) he has labeled as “automatic”.

vol 1 intro part 1 (2)Again, my apologies for  poor image quality.

Paragraph 6- In this paragraph the author explains that many performers are poor teachers because the performance in question is carried out without your attention and awareness of the intricate details involved. You only focus on the desired result and the “how” part of that equation gets resolved automatically. For example, you go to the fridge to pour yourself a glass of water but you do not think of pulling the door and grabbing the water jug to pour into the glass. you focus on getting water in your glass. How it is getting in there gets executed automatically by your automatic reflexes, as described above.

Paragraph 7- This paragraph begins by pointing out the difference between the knowledge and capabilities between the two parts of our being. The willed part of our being does as it is told, so to speak, and it carries out all functions in the manner designed or learned by the individual. The automatic part of you is directed by an omniscient factor, that is to say by something all-knowing, all-seeing, etc. Amun wants us to realize that it directed the formation of the physical part of our being the very moment that our progenitor sperm and egg came together.

Paragraph 8- In this paragraph Amun poses a question: What if the willed part of our being, instead of learning from those limited in knowledge (other humans) it learned from the omniscient?

This is a great question! In my opinion, if we learned from the omniscient (The Most High/God/Jah/Allah/Buddha etc) we would be living a completely different life on Earth. We would go back to our roots and cultural foundations. We would live in harmony with the universe and with nature. We would not destroy it. We will live in accordance with the 42 laws of Ma’at.

Eye would love to hear your opinions, thoughts, ideas. Please feel free to comment or email me.


Akuchi Azubike


About akuchiazubike

Eye am a Spiritual counselor and a Reiki Master Teacher. Eye like to create wood carved staffs as an artesan, eye paint, eye make healing jewelry, eye am a pranic healer, eye make organic body products and eye even rap! But my true passion is Reiki healing and educating the people.

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