About me


My name is Akuchi Azubike. It is my “healer handle” as eye like to call it and it rapresents the name eye gave myself when eye was reborn in this life time. That is to say, when eye became a Reiki Practitioner. Akuchi comes from Nigeria and it means “the wealth of God” and Azubike comes from South Alkebulan and it means “the past strengthens us”. Eye chose this name to represent me because eye believe that with knowledge of our past experiences, past lives and beyond we can have the wealth of God. And the way eye achieve this is through meditation and Reiki healing.

Eye was born in the wonderful island of Dominican Republic. Eye grew up, however, in the streets of the south Bronx in New York City with both of my parents and three siblings. My spiritual journey lead me to Louisiana for about 3.5 years and eye am currently in the Dominican Republic. Eye am a Spanish teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, wood carver, crystal healer & jeweler and artist. Eye will be posting about my spiritual journey; which contains a history of Self and how they relate to Kemet (otherwise known as Egypt) and other Alkebulan tribes and people, third eye activation and usage, chakras and their eternal importance, meditation, Reiki healing, healing stones and steps to take control of your life from within.

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