Metu Neter Vol 1 Introduction part 2


We have started the first of four volumes of the Metu Neter (pictured above). We have already looked at the authors preface and this post will be a two part post where we are looking at the introduction of the first chapter. Read part 1 here.

Part 1 of this post established the fact that there are two selves. It also posed the question “why do we learn only from each other when we can establish a connection to the all knowing and learn from there?”. Now, we shall continue…


Paragraph 9 This brief paragraph states that the answers to the aforementioned question will give us full and complete insight into anything that we would like to know. It explains the causes to the worldly problems of today and provides solutions as well. The author, Ra Un Nefer Amen, states that as far as he knows, the African spiritual tradition is one which allows one to be in tune with all functions in the world and fully capable of manipulating them.


Paragraph 10- This brief paragraph describes the three different types of people in the world, regardless of culture or financial status. The first is the one who relies on the willed part of being for survival and nourishment. That is to say, this person relies only on what they are consciously doing and not much else. The second person is the one who relies on the omniscient intelligence. For example, they rely fully on their connection to the source and their experiences in trance in order to live. The third person is the one who establishes an equilibrium between the aforementioned two.

Paragraph 11- This paragraph begins by stating that these three people are not separate from each other but that they represent the evolving consciousness of individuals and nations. For example, in my opinion, the break down is as follows: The first person is the person who looks for things outside of themselves to make them happy. This is the person who goes to school to get a job and pay bills for the rest of their life. They follow the main stream society here in America. The second person is the person who relies solely on what they feel from within and their connection to The Most High/God/Allah/Jah/etc. These are people we usually call hippies because they are thought to be laid back, loving to all, and in tune with themselves and nature. The third person is someone who finds balance within the two. This is someone who is in tune with themselves and the universe without leaving behind the benefits of the physical realm as well.

Paragraph 12- In this paragraph Ra Un Nefer Amen, the author goes into which nations these stages represent. He states that the first stage; those consumed with things outside of them, would represent the Western man and some Orientals. Eye agree because eye live in America and that depiction is quite apparent and rampant in society.  The nations with the second stage are those looking within themselves. This is true for the Black/Alkebulan/African nations and some Orientals. The third stage encompasses the success of both parts. This has truly only been achieved by the Kemetians, who for the record, are Black/Alkebulan/African.

Paragraph 13- Amen goes on to state that this is why the first institutions of civilizations began with Black/Alkebulanian/African nations. This is the reason as to why they were equipped with a high extent of secret universal knowledge from within (from religion and astrology to martial arts and medicine).


Paragraph 14- We each have a “program of order”. This program is made up of the bodily processes that act in a certain order. This is also called our health. This same “program of order” is what motivates the social behavior of people. The author goes on to say that true religion is, as we will come to see, the connection and techniques used in communicating with the director of the omniscient being within each of us. This will give us access to the power and storehouse of information from within, as well as allow us to be the host for shaping the factors in our lives or manifesting our realities. *This program of order corresponds to Maat*

Paragraph 15- The world is in the state that it is due to the dominant culture in the world being made up of the external part of being. That is to say that they are more interested in outside appearances and possessions than those from within, if they care about those at all. These types of people believe that reading or preaching on a particular subject will give u the knowledge on that subject. In my opinion, as well as that of the author’s, this is not the case. You may be able to hear 10 lectures on the chakras and read 15 books on them as well but until you start actively working on them you will never really feel what needs to be felt in order to activate the “can do” spirit that eye believe we all posses from within. However, this can do spirit can not be spoken into action. It has to BE the action. Amen goes on to say that everything that we know of today has an origin in the intuition of someone else. This is true for religious, moral and spiritual behavior as well. He points out that in today’s society the dominant culture encourages us to seek  this information from somewhere outside of ourselves; churches, mosques, temples, etc. While in contrast, Alkebulanian and some Oriental cultures promote knowledge and wisdom from within through trance; thus receiving intuitive guidance for the same ends. We are reminded that the external parts of our beings can not motivate or shape our actions or bodily functions because this is something that stems from within. This makes it a bit easier to innerstand why the Western cultures preach such high moral values yet their actions do not match. It is because they want to be better people and act in the best way possible, however, their limited innerstanding of what is being told to them from outside of themselves prevents them from actually doing so. They are disconnected to the inner guide that tell them not to engage in certain activities while promoting others. It is difficult for one to focus on their inner abilities and connections when the greater part of society glorifies the things that are external to us. For example, how can a child that grows up listening to “gangster rap” ever grow up wanting to meditate? They don’t! And that is a part of what needs to change as well. We will__- discuss the history of this phenomenon as well as a structure of how it begins.

This concludes the introduction to the first volume of the Metu Neter. What do you all think?

About akuchiazubike

Eye am a Spiritual counselor and a Reiki Master Teacher. Eye like to create wood carved staffs as an artesan, eye paint, eye make healing jewelry, eye am a pranic healer, eye make organic body products and eye even rap! But my true passion is Reiki healing and educating the people.

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